QUEEN LULU This is a portrait of the reigning queen of my humble abode, Queen Lulu the first. This image represents one of those snuggly moments when she forgets her fear of humans and dares to get close to me … Read More
QUEEN LULU This is a portrait of the reigning queen of my humble abode, Queen Lulu the first. This image represents one of those snuggly moments when she forgets her fear of humans and dares to get close to me … Read More
Los gatos de la abuela, Whesley y Mitsie, realizados como regalo personalizado de navidad. El original está disponible a la venta, ya que para la wely utilicé copias de alta calidad que se convirtieron en una bandeja y la tapa … Read More
WHESLEY & MITSIE Pet Portrait Commission featuring two lovely cats. This collage was made using recycled paper from magazines on card. If you’re interested on commissioning a similar piece, please get in touch. Dimensions: 18X24 CM
Este reloj está hecho sobre un collage original de papel de revistas montado en un panel de madera y glasificado con #ArtResin. Si te interesa encargar un reloj personalizado no dudes en escribirme. Dimensions: 25×25 cm
Dark bits Collage Clock This clock features hand made Original Artwork. This is a collage made out of magazine paper on a wooden panel, coated with #ArtResin. If you’re interested in commissioning a personalized clock, please get in touch. Dimensions: … Read More
Este reloj está hecho sobre un collage original de papel de revistas montado en un panel de madera y glasificado con #ArtResin. Si te interesa encargar un reloj personalizado no dudes en escribirme. Dimensions: 25×25 cm
Orange Collage Clock This clock features hand made Original Artwork. This is a collage made out of magazine paper on a wooden panel, coated with #ArtResin. If you’re interested in commissioning a personalized clock, please get in touch. Dimensions: 25×25 … Read More
Este reloj está hecho sobre un collage original de papel de revistas montado en un panel de madera y glasificado con #ArtResin. Si te interesa encargar un reloj personalizado no dudes en escribirme. Dimensions: 20×20 cm aprox.